Meet our new Fellows

Professor Harish Bhaskaran FREng
Professor of Applied Nanomaterials, Department of Materials, University of Oxford

Professor Joseph (Joby) Boxall FREng
Professor of Water Infrastructure Engineering, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, University of Sheffield

Professor Richard Dawson FREng
Professor in Earth Systems Engineering and Director of Research and Innovation, School of Engineering, Newcastle University

Peter Dearman FREng
Independent Consultant; Senior Visiting Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University; Former President, PWI

Professor Robert Deaves FREng FLSW
Senior Principal Engineer, Dyson; Honorary Professor, University of Birmingham

Air Vice-Marshal Simon Ellard CB FREng
Director Combat Air, Defence Equipment and Support, UK Ministry of Defence

Professor Wenfei Fan FREng FRS FRSE
Professor of Web Data Management, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh

Professor Michael Fitzpatrick FREng
Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Lloyd’s Register Foundation Chair in Structural Integrity and Systems Performance, Coventry University

Professor Alejandro (Alex) Frangi FREng
Bicentennial Turing Chair in Computational Medicine, University of Manchester

Professor Shaogang (Sean) Gong FREng
Professor of Visual Computation, Queen Mary University of London

Professor David Greenwood FREng
CEO, WMG High Value Manufacturing Catapult; Director for Industrial Engagement, WMG

Professor Ashwani Gupta FREng
Distinguished University Professor, Minta Martin Professor of Engineering, and Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland

Professor Robert Killey FREng
Professor of Optical Communications Optical Networks Group, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University College London

Professor Ahmed Kovacevic FREng
Howden/Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Compressor Technology, City, University of London

Dr Joshua Macabuag FREng
Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer, Renew-Risk; Engineering Manager, Search and Rescue Assistance in Disasters (SARAID)

Professor Malcolm Macdonald FREng FRSE
Professor, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde

Dr Andrew Mackintosh CBE FREng
Chair, UKI2S; Board member, ACF Investors and Thames Ventures VCT2 plc

Professor Wyn Meredith FREng FLSW
Director, The Compound Semiconductor Centre, IQE Plc and Cardiff University

Professor Paul Needham FREng
Head of Engineering for Air and Space Products and Chief Engineer for Historic Aircraft, BAE Systems

Professor Timothy O'Farrell FREng
Chair in Wireless Communication, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Sheffield

Professor Bikash Pal FREng
Professor of Power Systems, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London

David Quarton FREng
Visiting Professor, University of Bristol; Independent Engineering Consultant, Renewable Energy

Professor Felix Schmid FREng
Professor Emeritus of Railway Systems Engineering, University of Birmingham

Professor Ashwin Seshia FREng
Professor of Microsystems Technology, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge

Professor Barbara Shollock FREng
Professor and Founding Head, Department of Engineering, King’s College London

Dr Sabesan Sithamparanathan OBE FREng
Founder & President, PervasID Ltd; Enterprise Fellow, Girton College, University of Cambridge

Professor Ashutosh Tiwari FREng
Royal Academy of Engineering/Airbus Research Chair in Digital Manufacturing, University of Sheffield

Professor Iain Todd FREng
Professor of Metallurgy and Materials Processing, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Sheffield

Professor Keith Worden FREng
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sheffield

Meet our new International Fellows

Professor Nadine Aubry FREng
Professor, School of Engineering, Tufts University; George and Virginia Bugliarello NAE International Secretary, U.S. National Academy of Engineering

Dr Dennis Ganendra FREng
Chief Executive Officer, Minconsult Sdn Bhd; Founder, Timeless Green Group, Malaysia

Professor Georgios Giannakis FREng
Professor, McKnight Presidential Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Minnesota, US

Dr Marlene Kanga AO FREng
Director, iOmniscient Pty Ltd, Rux Energy Pty Ltd; Non-Executive Director, Endeavour Energy, Airservices Australia, Standards Australia

Professor Wolfgang Marquardt FREng
Former Chair of the Board of Directors (Vorstandsvorsitzender), Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany

Professor Richard Miller FREng
Emeritus President, Olin College of Engineering; Founding Chair, Coalition for Transformational Education, US

Professor Viola Vogel FREng
Professor, Department of Health Sciences and Technology, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Meet our new Honorary Fellows

Professor Jim Al-Khalili CBE HonFREng FRS
Professor of Theoretical Physics and Chair in Public Engagement in Science, University of Surrey

Baroness Martha Lane Fox CBE HonFREng
Co-Founder,; Non-Executive Director, Twitter; Chancellor, The Open University; Founder and Executive Chair, Doteveryone

Lord David Willetts PC HonFREng FRS FMedSci
President of the Resolution Foundation; Chair of the UK Space Agency, Innovate Cambridge and The Foundation for Science and Technology