New programmes:
Google DeepMind Research Ready
This new programme, in partnership with Google DeepMind and the Hg Foundation, will provide artificial intelligence (AI) research placements at top UK universities for undergraduate students from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds, providing them with the tools and opportunities to progress into research and careers in AI. The scheme will fund up to 120 paid AI research placements of six to eight weeks in summer 2025, hosted by 10 UK universities.
Green Future Fellowship
A 10-year, £3 million award designed to support exceptional scientists, researchers and innovators to transform their pioneering engineering innovations into climate solutions with real-world impact. Applications open 10 September 2024
Our Research Programmes and Fellowships
Research Chairs and Senior Research Fellowships
NOW OPEN: Supporting use-inspired research that meets the needs of the industrial partners
Green Future Fellowships
The Green Future Fellowship is a unique new programme supporting scientists, researchers and innovators to develop and scale up their breakthrough climate solutions.
UK IC Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Supporting early career researchers in unclassified basic research in areas of interest to the intelligence, security and defence communities
Chair in Emerging Technologies
Supporting ultra pre-competitive research in emerging technologies
RAEng / Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowships
Provides funding across a range of academic disciplines
Industrial Fellowships
Supporting collaborative research between industry and academia.
APEX Awards
Demonstrating how researchers from different disciplines can come together to generate creative and innovative solutions
Research Fellowships
NOW OPEN: Supporting early-career researchers to become future research leaders in engineering.
Daphne Jackson Trust
The Daphne Jackson Trust Fellowships enable talented women and men to return to their research careers in science, engineering and technology after having a career break. Fellowships are typically held for two years on a part-time basis, in a UK university.
STEM for Britain
An annual poster competition, open to early career researchers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths with a prize of up to £1000. The event is run by the House of Commons Parliamentary Scientific Committee and the Engineering session is supported by the Academy.
Resources and policies
COVID-19 Advice to awardees
An update on the approach we are taking at the Academy and how this will affect you as a current or previous Academy aw…
Our policies
Read the Academy's operating policies and policies for grant applicants and awardees.