This industry-into-UK academia initiative aims to utilise the experience of Visiting Professors (with backgrounds as industrialists, entrepreneurs, consultants or innovators) to enhance teaching and learning on engineering degree courses. It also focuses on increasing the employability and skills of UK engineering degree students whilst strengthening external partnerships with industry.
The Academy is committed to diversity and inclusion and encourages nominations and nominees from women and other groups who are currently under-represented in the Visiting Professors Scheme (such as post-92 universities), as well as recognising the full breadth of engineering and its related subjects.
This scheme is not intended to support research interactions between industry and universities, for which separate schemes exist. The VP Scheme will however embrace taught masters degrees providing these are accredited as contributing to the educational base for CEng professional qualification.
The intention of the VP scheme is for experienced industrial engineers and entrepreneurs to participate for example in curriculum development, face-to-face teaching or mentoring of engineering undergraduates, or the development of innovative approaches to engineering teaching & learning (such as flipped-classroom, problem-based learning and team working) that recognise that engineering education is not simply the accumulation of knowledge, but should identify with the process of engineering through the stages of creativity, design, and innovation.
This award (which follows successful application by the UK host university) provides the support necessary for the attendance of the Visiting Professor at the host university for at least 12 days a year to a maximum value of £10,000 (all inclusive) a year over three years - a maximum of £30,000 (all inclusive) in total.
Guidance and networking

Guide and reporting
The rough guide to being a visiting professor and all that you need to know to complete your reports during the award with relevant templates.

Visiting Professors Management Group
Harnessing the power of engineering and technology to build a sustainable society and an inclusive economy that works for everyone.
Meet our Visiting Professors
View present and past cohorts from the Visiting Professors programme.