Is the scheme open to non-UK universities?
This scheme is only open to UK universities. For non-UK universities look under “International research and collaborations” for possible funding.
Who can become a Visiting Professor?
Experienced industrial engineers and entrepreneurs from any engineering discipline from industry not university based.
How do I apply for an award?
The application can only be submitted through the Academy’s Grant Management System (GMS) and must be started by the University with input from others. The link to apply will be on the How to apply page when the scheme is live.
Who is responsible for the application?
The Academic Champion at university of the proposed award who will invite the nominated Visiting Professor and their own Line Manager to complete their relevant sections.
What is the required commitment in days during the award?
Visiting Professors must be able to commit a minimum of one day a month on average over the duration of the three-year Award, spent at the host university (12 days a year). Dates are fully flexible to best suit the needs of the university academic unit concerned.
Is there a contract with the award?
There is a contract between the host university and the Academy that states what will be covered during the award, reporting schedules and payments schedules.
How the Visiting Professor will be contracted to the University should be agreed in principle before the application is submitted.
What can the funds be used on?
If funding is necessary it can only pay for an honorarium/salary for the Visiting Professor and their reasonable travel/subsitance expenses. It cannot pay for any teaching materia/resources or equipment.
How are payments made?
As the contract is between the University and the Academy, all the funds are paid directly to the University at set intervals based on submission of satisfactory reports.
We recommend that all prospective Visiting Professors and the University agree on how payments will be made between each party before grant submission.
Can I help with research and development at the University?
This scheme is for teaching on degree courses and helping with development of the curriculum being delivered. It cannot be used to support any research-based activities or supervisory role of research students.
When do I start my role as a Visiting Professor?
This needs to be agreed with the University, but it must be between September and end of November in the first year.
Can we promote the Visiting Professors’ award and the Visiting Professor work externally?
Once a signed contract between the University and the Academy has taken place then the University and Visiting Professor can promote the award.
Can we use the Academy logo?
The Academy, like most other organisations, has specific rules over the use of its logo and you should visit the Academy website about the logo (click here to find out more). If in doubt, you should contact Stylli Charalampous who will be able to give you a definitive answer. The fact you have been appointed as an Academy VP does not give you an automatic right to use the Academy logo for any purpose.
What happens after the three year appointment?
Each award is expected to be sustainable after the three years and financial extensions cannot be granted.