Donations enable us to achieve so much more, from supporting engineering and technology innovations in the UK and Africa, to encouraging school students to study STEM subjects. Without these contributions, the Academy would not be making the significant societal impact that we have been able to achieve.

We invest in the most talented engineering innovators and empower them to find solutions to complex and global societal challenges.

Talent and Diversity
We support cross-cutting educational initiatives that promise a stronger future for engineering and tackle the issue of under-representation across the engineering profession.

Policy and Public Engagement
We are the UK government’s trusted port of call for engineering advice. We lead the profession to provide key decision-makers with informed insight and innovative thinking.

Prince Phillip Fund
We are extremely honoured to continue our Founding Senior Fellow, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh's legacy in engineering which will be felt in the next 50 years and beyond.

The President's Annual Appeal
Our annual appeal provides vital funding to areas of our work that rely on philanthropy.

The Heritage Society
The Heritage Society recognises Fellows and friends who have pledged to leave a legacy gift to the Academy in their will.