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In Conversation with Pete Lomas FREng, New Chair of Ingenious.
We spoke with Pete, the newly appointed Chair of the Ingenious public engagement grants scheme, about his journey into engineering and his passion for public engagement.
Maritime Engineering of the Future
As part of W5's Regatta challenge, six school teams from across Northern Ireland sailed their hand-crafted cardboard boats in the Lagan River in Belfast. After months of theory and practical workshop…
Space Engineers Project Empowers Girls in Engineering
Space Engineers was an Ingenious project where 331 Girl guides took part in a space-themed immersive experience while working towards gaining their Space Engineers badge.
Building robots inspired by the natural world
Urban NatureBots was an Ingenious project by Leeds Libraries, that showed children how to code their very own robot to gather environmental data and learn more about their local area.
How to Build-a-Bear out of recycled plastic
Build-a-Bear 2.0 was an Ingenious collaboration between Newcastle and Manchester Metropolitan Universities, where schools got to 3D print recycled bears.
Perfect matchines - engineering a superhero
Perfect machines: engineering a superhero was an Ingenious funded project that explored how human movement is underpinned by engineering principles, using imagination, creativity and puppets.
News archive
Elevation Building confidence and structures with Shadsworth Community
Elevation: Building confidence and structures with Shadsworth community took engineering out into one of the most depri…
Ballet performances, rubbish robots and engineering to save the planet: Academy announces new Ingenious public engagement projects
New round of Ingenious programme awards sixteen projects, with grants of up to £30,000 to support public engagement act…
From sports shoes and ocean health to the dome of St Paul’s Cathedral - new Ingenious engagement projects announced
The Royal Academy of Engineering has announced 23 new Ingenious awards for public engagement projects designed to inspi…
From healthcare of the future to tackling the climate emergency: Ingenious solutions for engaging the public
The Royal Academy of Engineering has announced 17 new Ingenious Public Engagement awards for projects designed to excit…