Seed funding
Seed funding of up to £20,000 per award over one year is awarded to successful collaboration bids from each symposium, designed to strengthen collaborations developed at the symposium. These projects must be led by the needs of the community and adaptive to the nuances of the specific challenge that it aims to address.
Follow on Funding
The Frontiers follow-on funding of up to £300,000 over three years is available to scale up seed funded projects into fully formed collaborative research projects.
Frontiers Champions
Additional grants of up to £10,000 over one year through Frontiers Champions are open to previous participants to help build a network around a challenge, made up of those who will benefit from the solution to that challenge.
Impact grants
Impact grants up to £5,000 over one year are designed to support previous Frontiers grant awardees in sharing the positive impact of their grant activities.
Awardees and projects
The impact of Frontiers’ funding is not just constrained to the initial project. It opens doors for many participants to explore and test ideas before scaling it to a fully functioning collaborative research project, acting as a bridge to larger scale grants, as well as directly supporting the scale up of these projects by offering follow-up funding, which enables them to have a greater and more sustainable impact.
Since the programme's inception in 2016, Frontiers seed funding grants have continued to make lasting impactful changes through their work. To date over 146 seed funding projects have been funded which research solutions for a wide range of issues. This research has included improving resilience to cyclones in Madagascar, using waste materials for sustainable homes and inspiring the younger generation with circular economy.
In March 2020 the first tranche of follow on funding was awarded to 13 teams to build on their previously awarded seed funding projects, and to date 23 Frontiers Champions were awarded networking grants to hold thematic or regional events exploring an international development theme.
Full information on current awardees for all Frontiers funding can be found on each of the pages below.
Frontiers offers various funding opportunities to sustain the development of ideas from the Frontiers symposia, and help bring them to fruition. It helps the researchers who take part to take the initial steps to attract more funding, supporting ideas that could change the future.
The impact of Frontiers’ funding is not just constrained to the initial project. It opens doors for many participants to explore and test ideas before scaling it to a fully functioning collaborative research project, acting as a bridge to larger scale grants, as well as directly supporting the scale up of these projects by offering follow-up funding, which enables them to have a greater and more sustainable impact.
Seed funding
Grants of up to £20,000 over one year are awarded to successful collaboration bids from the symposia, designed to strengthen collaborations developed at the symposia.
Follow on funding
Follow on funding of up to £300,000 over three years is available to scale up seed funded projects into fully formed collaborative research projects.
Frontiers champions
Grants of up to £10,000 over one year enable previous participants to become Frontiers Champions, to help build a network around a specific challenge.
Impact grants
Grants of up to £5,000 over one year are awarded to previous Frontiers grant awardees to share the positive impact of their grant activities.