RAEng / Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowships 2024
In recent years, fibre-reinforced polymer composites, shape-memory materials, additive manufacturing (or 3D/4D printing), architected materials or metamaterials have been applied in many industries, ranging from aerospace, automotive, and marine, to healthcare and sport. However, society and industry have started to demand not only high performance, but also resilience, superior sustainability, low environmental impact, and net zero emissions to achieve a climate neutral and circular economy.
The shape memory meta-bio-composites (4DSMP) project aims to design innovative bio-based composites that are tough, resilient, and flame retardant. These materials can recover their shape post-deformation, are reusable, lightweight, and 4D printable, aligning with demands for sustainability and low environmental impact. By integrating natural fibres and particle reinforcement, the project enhances resilience, flame retardancy and sustainability. It also employs latticing and geometric topology for lightweighting and control over physical properties (stiffness, strength and energy absorption) and uses 4D printing for eco-friendly manufacturing. 4DSMP breaks new ground by advancing fibre-reinforced shape-memory bio-composites, robust multi-physics design and modelling, and continuous fibre 4D printing.
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