Engineering is built on optimism. It holds the key to achieving net zero, to improving public health, to building resilient economies and bringing our societies hope.
At the Royal Academy of Engineering, the scale of our ambitions reflect this enormous potential. We exist to harness the power of engineering to build a sustainable society and an inclusive economy that works for everyone. In order for us to continue our vital work both now and in the future, unrestricted philanthropic support will become increasingly important.
Leaving a gift in your will is one of the most meaningful ways you can help the Academy in the future, and we are truly grateful to anyone who considers supporting our work in this way.
Residuary gift
The remainder of the estate, or a percentage of the remainder, once all other gifts and taxes have been paid.
Pecuniary gift
A specified sum of money. The value of a pecuniary gift could decrease over time; however, it is possible to Index-Link the sum of money in order to preserve its value over time.
Restricted gift
This can be either a Residuary or Pecuniary Gift where the pledger intends the money to be used to support a particular area of the Academy’s activities. If you are considering this, please contact a member of the Development Team.
Reversionary gift
This gift allows you to leave your estate, or part of it, on trust for the benefit of a particular person during their lifetime. They benefit from using the assets, or receiving the income from them. Upon their death, the assets pass to other chosen beneficiaries (called “reversionary beneficiaries”) such as the Royal Academy of Engineering. If you are considering this, please contact a member of the Development Team.
Specific gift
This is a gift of a specific item. If you are considering this type of bequest, please contact a member of the Development Team to make sure that the Academy will be a suitable home.
The information about the Academy that your solicitor will need is as follows:
- Charity name: Royal Academy of Engineering
- Full address: Prince Philip House, 3 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5DG
- Charity Number: 293074
Gifts to charities are exempt from inheritance tax which means that leaving a gift to the Academy may help reduce your tax liability. In addition, if you leave 10% or more of the net value of your estate to charity in your will, your estate will qualify for inheritance tax at the reduced rate of 36% rather than the standard rate of 40%.
More information on inheritance tax
Your solicitor will be able to advise you on how charitable giving may reduce inheritance tax on your estate.
Your solicitor is best placed to advise you on how to record your intentions or make changes to an existing will, including adding a codicil. You may wish to use the following wording as a guide for including the Academy in your will.
Residuary gift
'Subject to the payment of my debts, funeral and testamentary expenses, I give_______% of my residuary estate absolutely to the Royal Academy of Engineering, Charity No. 293074, of Prince Philip House, 3 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5DG.
For its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of the Chief Executive or other authorised officer of the Academy shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my Executor/s.'
Pecuniary gift (Index-Link)
'I leave to the Royal Academy of Engineering, Charity No. 293074, of Prince Philip House, 3 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5DG to be applied to the general purposes of the said charity, the sum of money produced by dividing the sum of £[Insert amount in numbers] ([insert amount in words] pounds) by the index figure in the Index of Retail Prices (‘the index’) for the month in which this Will was executed and multiplying it by the index figure in the index month in which my death occurs. The receipt of the Chief Executive or the other proper officer for the time being of the said charity shall be complete discharge to my Executors.'
Restricted gift
'I bequeath to Royal Academy of Engineering, Charity No. 293074, of Prince Philip House, 3 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5DG [specify sum (in £ and words) or share of residue], to be used by the Academy for or …. If in the event that this project/area is no longer a project/area supported by the Academy/or is fully funded at the time of my death my gift is to be used to support activities that are as close as possible to my intentions. and I declare that the receipt of the Chief Executive or other authorised officer of the Academy shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my Executor/s.'
Adding to an existing will (Codicil)
'In addition to any legacies given in my Will I give to the Royal Academy of Engineering, Charity No. 293074, of Prince Philip House, 3 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5D, United Kingdom also known as “the Charity” x% share of my Residuary Estate OR the sum of £x for its general purposes as an educational charity [or any of the options above]. In all other respects I confirm my Will and any other codicils to it.'

Heritage Society Lunch
Acknowledging your legacy
We are pleased to recognise Fellows and friends who have informed us that they have left a bequest to the Academy by welcoming them to the Heritage Society. In recognition of their commitment, members are invited to an annual event hosted by the President and CEO. We also like to acknowledge Heritage Society members by listing their names in publications such as the Impact of Giving report.
These are small gestures of appreciation for the big commitment you make by leaving us a bequest. It is a true privilege to be the custodians of these gifts.
The Academy wishes to thank our generous legacy donors listed below, as well as those who have chosen not to be publicly recognised:
David Ball FREng
Charles Betts CB FREng
Dr Diana Blair-Fish
Dr Peter Blair-Fish
Professor Chris Calladine FREng FRS
Peter Chamberlain FREng
Sir David Davies CBE FREng FLSW FRS
John Evans OBE JP FREng
Philip Greenish CBE HonFREng
Barry Haseltine MBE FREng
Sir Robert Hill KBE FREng
Professor Sir Colin Humphreys CBE FREng FRS
Geoffrey Lomer CBE FREng
Dr James McQuaid CB FREng
Dr Leslie Mitchell FREng
Dr Ian Nussey OBE FREng
Christopher Price OBE FREng
Ian Ritchie CBE FREng FRSE
John Robinson CBE FREng
David Thomlinson FREng
Peter Warry FREng
Professor Steve Young CBE FREng FRS