Professor Rebecca Fitzgerald OBE HonFREng FRS FMedSci

Professor of Cancer Prevention, University of Cambridge; Director, Early Cancer Institute
Rebecca Fitzgerald is Professor of Cancer Prevention and Founding Director of the Early Detection Institute at the University of Cambridge and practices medicine as Honorary Consultant in gastroenterology and cancer medicine at Addenbrooke's Hospital. Rebecca is the Cambridge lead for the Cancer Research UK International Alliance for Cancer Early Detection (ACED). Her research aims to understand how tissues become cancerous and whether identifying pre-cancer at scale can reduce cancer morbidity and mortality, focusing on the oesophagus and stomach.
Her work to develop and implement a non-endoscopic capsule sponge and related biomarker assays for detection of Barrett's oesophagus and associated dysplasia has been awarded several prizes including the Westminster Medal, an NHS Innovation prize and the Don Listwin Early Detection Prize. In 2022 Rebecca was awarded an OBE for services to cancer research. Rebecca has contributed to evidence reviews and policy work around screening including for the Department of Health and Social Care in the UK and recently led a review of cancer screening for the European Commission that led to new screening policy for EU member states.