Professor Chennupati Jagadish FREng (Australia)
Distinguished Professor, Australian National University
Professor Chennupati Jagadish is a pioneer in applying nanotechnology to semiconductor optoelectronic sources and detectors. He has made significant contributions to semiconductor lasers, optoelectronic integration and nanowire devices. His work is widely exploited in optical communication systems and infrared detectors used in the defence, biomedical and manufacturing industries. He has served an advisor to the Australian Government on Nanotechnology, and also established the Australian Nanotechnology Network and the Canberra node of the Australian National Fabrication Facility to serve academic and industrial needs. He has served as the President of the IEEE Nanotechnology Council (2008, 2009), IEEE Photonics Society (2018,2019), Australian Materials Research Society (2016-2019) and is currently serving as the President of the Australian Academy of Science (May 2022-May 2026).