Dr Robert Swann FREng
Chair: Audio Analytic Ltd; AudioTelligence Ltd; SLAMCore; Flusso; Board Member: Undo Software; Living Optics
Dr Robert Swann is an outstanding engineering entrepreneur who has built technology companies that became leaders in video, image and audio processing and developed products widely used in mobile phones and other consumer devices. Robert was co-founder and Chairman of Spectral Edge (a computational photography company acquired by Apple), Chairman of Cambridge CMOS Sensors (an environmental sensor company acquired by AMS) and Green Parrot Pictures (a video processing company acquired by Google); and a board member of Movidius Inc (a semiconductor processor company acquired by Intel), Dexela (an image sensor company acquired by Perkin Elmer), and Im-Sense (an image processing company acquired by Apple). In 2000, he was one of the two co-founders of innovative Cambridge semiconductor company Alphamosaic, which developed silicon chips for multimedia processing, and was acquired by Broadcom with its product widely deployed in mobile phones and the Apple video iPod. Subsequently he has contributed significantly to UK engineering entrepreneurship by co-founding, chairing and advising successful deep-technology start-up businesses.